The InnerStrength for Life
Shop my collection of book, guides, and consumables to help you on your journey to your best self!
The InnerStrength Life:
​A Blueprint for Finding Empowerment Through Weight Loss & Vibrant Health
My book is 95 beautiful, color pages including:
My personal story of recovery ​from illness, a 60 pound weight loss, and life transformation.
My physician-approved, exclusive CPR (Cleanse, Prepare & Retrain) Diet & Nutrition Plan, based on a food group exchange system and clean, whole foods.
Over 70 healthy, delicious recipes (all vegan and gluten-free!) developed by myself and my husband, Executive Chef Jon Standen.
It also includes tips for stocking your fridge and pantry, quick & easy example meals, and is spiral-bound for ease of use in the kitchen. Note: This is a 3rd edition printing of my original book with refreshed instructions for the CPR Plan and a new cover image.​
Check out my 5-star reviews on Amazon!
The InnerStrength 2025 Planner:
A Year of Empowerment
Your spiral-bound, InnerStrength 2025: A Year of Empowerment Planner has the following features, designed to help you transform your life by prioritizing your health and making the best use of your time on a daily basis. It's great as a standalone or a companion to my book and program.
Monthly Focus & Month-at-a-Glance
If you're a big picture person like me, the month at a glance is crucial. This planner includes both new and full moons, holidays and seasonal events. Most importantly, each month you'll have one step in your 12 Steps to Empowerment, complete with homework. Follow these steps as they build on one another through the year, considering them the cocoon as you move toward spreading your wings to truly fly.
Weekly Meal Planner with Daily Servings Tracker & Shopping List
You’re going to love this! You can use it to either log or plan your meals, and also to check off your daily servings. It’s great for personal accountability when you’re first getting started, and pairs perfectly with my program. Use the Shopping List and corresponding Food Lists and Servings Guide to ensure you have what you need for the week, and that you don’t run low on any of the must-haves that you keep stocked for quick meals and snacks. Just tear it out or snap a pic on your way to the store.
Daily Schedule & Week-at-a-Glance
I love this part of the planner! Why?
• You have a space to write your weekly mantra so you can keep it front and center in your mind.
• You have a quote of the week to help you think through some of your obstacles and get empowered.
• At the bottom, you have a Habit Tracker to keep you accountable. Whether you’re working out, meditating, stretching, or giving up sweets, this section is perfect for the job.
• You have space for your daily appointments and to-dos.
• And you have a space for weekly notes!
This Year of Empowerment Planner is designed for personal transformation. I hope you love it as much as I do.
I’m doing something really special this year! If you purchase the 2025 Planner, you have the option to add on membership in a separate, private Facebook group where I’ll be doing a monthly recorded livestream on each month’s topic! I’ll explain that month’s directive in greater detail and talk about my personal experiences and my experiences working with other women on that particular issue, and I’ll also give you further ideas for homework. You’ll be able to ask questions, comment your experiences, and commune with other women. This is a great way to deepen your journey and stay focused. You’ll be given entry last week of December. and lasting an entire year! I’m so excited about this!!
The PlantPower Meal Guide
Set yourself up for success! My new PlantPower Meal Guide pairs perfectly with the CPR Diet & Nutrition Plan in my book, and includes SIX Sample Days of meals and snacks, as well as FIVE weekly Batch Cooking Plans!
This beautifully designed, 17-page Guide is digital - the link is emailed to you instantly upon purchase.
Tracker Bundle
Your new journey is all about structure and accountability, and these sheets provides just that! Plan or log your meals, track your daily servings, create a weekly shopping list with a quick reference guide, and track your progress with these exclusive tools. The Weight Loss Tracker, Meal Planner and Servings Guide, and Shopping List are downloadable and printable via a link emailed to you
upon purchase. This is the perfect complement to my book and plan.
All the resources you need to plan and keep track of your success.
Tracker, Meal Guide, and Book Bundle
Downloadable and printable Weight Loss Tracker, Meal Planner & Servings Guide, and Shopping List
Downloadable and printable Sample Meal Guide & Batch Cooking Guide with Additional Recipes
A mailed copy of my book, The InnerStrength Life, with my entire plan and over 60 recipes
All the resources to follow the plan and organize your meals!